Sixth International Workshop on
Testing Database Systems

Co-located with ACM SIGMOD 2013

Instructions for Camera-Ready Revisions

Length: All submitted papers must be formatted according to the instructions below, and must be no more than 6 pages in length. This page limit includes all parts of the paper: title, abstract, body, bibliography, and appendices.

File type: Each paper is to be submitted as a single PDF file, formatted for 8.5" x 11" paper and no more than 5 MB in file size. (Larger files will be rejected by the submission site.)

Formatting: Papers must follow the ACM Proceedings Format, using one of the templates provided at for Word and LaTeX (version 2e). (For LaTeX, both Option 1 and Option 2 are acceptable.) The font size, margins, inter-column spacing, and line spacing in the templates must be kept unchanged.

Authors should apply ACM Computing Classification categories and terms. The templates provide space for this indexing and point authors to the Computing Classification Scheme.

The CR version must also include a copyright statement at the bottom of the first page, left column. ACM will contact authors to complete a rights management form and will subsequently provide the appropriate statement. Please contact the chairs of the workshop if you do not hear from ACM about the rights management form.

All fonts MUST be embedded within the PDF file. Any PDF that is not deposited with fonts embedded will need to be corrected. In order to help you through this process, ACM has created documentation on how to embed your fonts. Please download the ACM Digital Library optimal distiller settings file, ACM.joboptions. ACM cannot substitute font types, though. This really must be done in the source files before the Postscript or PDF is generated. If bit-mapped fonts are used, they will not necessarily display legibly in all PDF readers on all platforms, though they will print out fine.

The camera-ready version (in PDF) should be submitted on-line through DBTest 2013's CMT paper submission site. Name your file as name.pdf where name is the lead (first) author's last name. The deadline is Apr 30, 5PM PDT.