8:30AM --- PODS Keynote10AM --- Coffee Break
10:30AM --- Welcome and Workshop Keynote
- Welcome
- Lightning Round
- Workshop Keynote: Issues in Big Data Testing and Benchmarking
- Volker Markl, TU Berlin
Noon --- Lunch
1:15PM --- Session 1: Tools for System Testing
- Extending XData to Kill SQL Query Mutants in the Wild
- Bikash Chandra, IIT Bombay; Bhupesh Chawda, IBM; Shetal Shah, IIT Bombay; S. Sudarshan, IIT Bombay; Ankit Shah, IIT Bombay
- Tomograph: Highlighting query parallelism in a multi-core system(slides)
- Mrunal Gawade, CWI; Martin Kersten, CWI
- In Data Veritas — Data Driven Testing for Distributed Systems(slides)
- Ramesh Subramonian, LinkedIn; Kishore Gopalakrishna, LinkedIn; Kapil Surlaker, LinkedIn; Bob Schulman, LinkedIn; Mihir Gandhi, LinkedIn; Sajid Topiwala, LinkedIn; David Zhang, LinkedIn; Zhen Zhang, LinkedIn
2:45pm --- Coffee Break
3:15PM --- Session 2: Database Generation
- Rapid Development of Data Generators Using Meta Generators in PDGF(slides)
- Tilmann Rabl, Univ. of Toronto; Meikel Poess, Oracle; Manuel Danisch, Univ. of Passau; Hans-Arno Jacobsen, Univ. of Toronto
- D-Zipfian: A Decentralized Implementation of Zipfian(slides)
- Sumita Barahmand, USC; Shahram Ghandeharizadeh, USC
- Reversing Statistics for Scalable Test Databases Generation(slides)
- Entong Shen, North Carolina State University; Lyublena Antova, Pivotal Inc.
4:45PM --- Coffee Break
5:15PM --- Session 3: System/Test Robustness
- Mutatis Mutandis: Evaluating DBMS Test Adequacy with Mutation Testing(slides)
- Ivan T. Bowman SAP AG
- Using Similarity Distance for Performance Prediction of the Query Optimization Process
- Anisoara Nica, SAP AG; Stephen Chou, Univ. of Waterloo
- Scaling up analytical queries with column-stores(slides)
- Ioannis Alagiannis, EPFL; Manos Athanassoulis, EPFL; Anastasia Ailamaki, EPFL